And she is off
I am now a full fledged PCV and headed off to my village tomorrow. Not sure if Lelouma is ready for me but I know that I am so ready for it. I am now a real adult as I will be living on my own for the 1st time ever. Who knew it would take moving to Africa to finally live alone. Over the past week and a half I have had as many as 7 roommates and as little as 2. The PC experience is all about extremes. Tomorrow night I will be all alone in a big (by Guinean standards) house and will not speak English again for another month when I come back to Labe for my monthly visit. This can only help my French…I hope!!
It was so sad to say goodbye to my friends from other regions that I will not see for another 3 months. Also over the past few days in Labe the people from my region have been slowly disappearing and leaving for their sites. So glad that PC is driving us to our sites as I probably own more than any one Guinean family does which is mildly embarrassing. Not to mislead those of you planning to visit, I still don’t have any furniture and only 1 pot and 1 pan.
Today is Friday the big day where the Muslims go to the Mosque and pray. Today I also happen to be buying things for my house. Since I don’t have any furniture I decided to buy a few prayer mats for people to sit on. My friend Ali was with me which was a huge blessing since her French is perfect. Anyway, both of us brought prayer mats. Hers happens to be one that could probably cover nearly a whole room and mine is a bit smaller. Anyway, we have been trudging them all over the city. We have gotten such strange looks. I think the Guineans believe we are going to the Mosque and probably wonder how many other people will be sharing our mats to pray with us. Just a random thought that was mildly amusing to me today.
Peace out til next month.