Adventures in Guinea as a Peace Corps Volunteer

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Almost a real PCV

A few amazing events have unfolded in the last week. The largest one being that I passed my language interview and am now "proficient enough" to function in my village. Yes, tomorrow as of 11: Guinea time I will officially be a Peace Corps Volunteer. There is a huge ceremony in Conakry not only for our affectation but also to celebrate the 45th anniversary of PC and the 20th anniversary of PC continuously in Guinea. The ambassador and many high ranking officials will be in attendance.

As excited as I was to leave Forecariah and make my way towards my site, it was also very sad to leave my family. Over the last 4-6 weeks I have become very close to my mom as I have learned how to joke with a crazy mom in Guinea. I have always liked my brothers and sisters so this was extremely hard. As a final send off 6 of our families threw a joint party on the same night. It was quite an event. They served us a really good rice dish that we all ate with our hands in normal Guinea fashion. Once we were all full another big plate rolled out of spaghetti, salad, fried bananas and bread with guac. What a treat. We all tore this up eating with our right hand off the same huge plate of course. We looked like 2 year olds just eating solid food for the 1st time. All this was of course followed by dancing. It is not an event in guinea until there is dancing. My family loves it when I dance for them because I actually do different dances than the slow Guinea shuffle. Oh Guinea!

So next week this time I will be at my site. I am so very excited but also quite nervous at the same time. Many volunteers say that it is a huge challenge just to leave their houses the first few days at site. It is another big readjustment. I have been a kid in the family for 3 months in Guinea and now I am finally an adult!! Looking forward to the beauty of the Fouta region but so sad to leave my friends that I have become so close to over the past 3 months.

Peace OUT from a PCV ALMOST!!


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